Tag Archives: physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka

back pain treatment

Causes of Back Pain

Have you noticed back pain lately?

There are many people who experience back pain during or at the end of the day. This may be due to some pathology or as a consequence of bad gestures and postures in the activities that are carried out daily at work or during sports.

We all have suffered back pain at some point and many times we do not know what causes it. The two most common types of pain are mechanical and inflammatory.

The data does not lie, and it is that according to statistics, 80% of people have suffered or will suffer from this pain at some point in their lives, in many cases becoming chronic.

What are the causes of back pain?

There are many factors that affect and cause back pain to appear, from poor posture or an inappropriate choice of footwear to even psychological and emotional causes.

Despite this, it is almost always associated with a spinal or joint injury due to spinal wear or osteoporosis. When vertebral scoliosis occurs (the spine is curved sideways), very painful muscle contractures can arise.

Types of back pain that exist

Mechanical back pain:

It is the most frequent pain, it is usually described as pulsating pain, it worsens with movement and is relieved with rest. Its cause is mainly a muscle strain or trauma, however, it is most appropriate to receive an accurate diagnosis by your physiotherapist in Dwarka as soon as possible.

Some of its characteristics are:

  • It can occur at any age
  • It is not usually accompanied by morning stiffness and if it does not exceed 30 minutes
  • Its most common cause is usually trauma

Inflammatory back pain:

About 1 in 20 people with chronic back pain is usually of inflammatory origin. There are various diseases that can cause this inflammation and therefore the appearance of pain, some of them quite complicated to diagnose. It is very important to see a physiotherapist in Janakpuri as soon as this pain persists for a long time.

Some characteristics of inflammatory pain:

  • Appears before the age of 40
  • It has a gradual start
  • Pain improves with physical activity
  • Pain does not improve with rest
  • It usually makes you wake up at night
  • Morning stiffness of more than 30 minutes
  • Continued pain of more than 3 months
  • Alternation of pain in the buttocks

The importance of treating back pain on time

The most important thing to keep in mind to treat back ailments is to see a physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka as soon as possible, since, if it takes a long time to treat, the discomfort usually increases over time and once it is established, it is difficult to reverse.
When acute back pain appears, it is usually first treated with pain relievers and muscle relaxants.

Later, when the muscles have relaxed, physiotherapy treatments are usually applied to lessen the pain and lessen the discomfort. It is also recommended to exercise regularly to avoid the risk of pain onset.


Maintaining your quality of life after a diagnosis of arthritis

When a diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis is received, many people believe that they will have to stop working, play the sports and hobbies they enjoy, or give up their quality of life.

However, in 2019, it is entirely possible for a person with inflammatory arthritis to maintain their activities if they receive adequate care.

What is arthritis?

The word “arthritis” encompasses a group of diseases that affect the joints of the limbs or the spine. In this article, we will discuss the characteristics of inflammatory arthritis in more detail. This is caused by a dysregulation of the immune system which, for reasons still unknown, attacks healthy cells in the joints or surrounding structures, thereby causing inflammation.

There are over 100 different types of inflammatory arthritis. The most common forms are rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis or even juvenile arthritis.

Arthritis is a fairly common condition: one in five Indians will develop it in their lifetime. Inflammatory arthritis diagnoses can occur at any age and can affect almost any joint in the body. If the disease is diagnosed early and the right treatments are in place, loss of function and disability can be avoided.

What are the symptoms of inflammatory arthritis?

Joint pain is a common phenomenon, which does not necessarily indicate the presence of inflammatory arthritis. A person who experiences the following symptoms for more than six weeks, however, would be advised to consult a doctor for a potential diagnosis.

  • Pain in one or more joints, present even at rest or at night (hands, feet, spine, wrists and jaw are the most commonly affected joints)
  • Prolonged morning stiffness (more than an hour)
  • Presence of swelling in the joints, heat and sometimes redness
  • Difficulty performing simple tasks like closing your hand, walking, getting up from a chair, or sitting down
  • Extreme tiredness

Before going to the doctor, it is important to take note of what increases the pain and what helps to relieve it. We can also inquire with family members to find out if some of our loved ones have arthritis, since some forms are hereditary.

Who is more at risk?

Several risk factors associated with inflammatory arthritis cannot be controlled.

For example, for most forms, the risk increases with age. Certain genetic markers, whether hereditary or not, also play a role, as does sex – rheumatoid arthritis is more common in women, while spondylitis is more common in men, for example.

Certain behaviors can also be adopted to try to reduce the severity and progression of arthritis: avoiding smoking and exercising regularly help to put the odds on its side.

What treatments are available?

Even if inflammatory arthritis cannot be cured, adequate management can help the person affected to continue their activities.

Medicines and complementary arthritis treatment in Delhi is effective in controlling the symptoms of this disease and their consequences. In addition, the intervention of an interdisciplinary team that includes a physiotherapist in Dwarka, but also a rheumatologist in Delhi, a nurse, an occupational therapist, a psychologist and a social worker can allow the person affected to be better equipped to understand and manage his illness.

It should be noted that when arthritis is left untreated, inflammation can permanently damage the joints or even reach certain organs. However, this is an increasingly rare phenomenon these days, since current treatments are effective. They fall into two main categories: pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments.

Pharmacological treatments

Depending on the results he obtains after his examination and analysis of the diagnostic tests performed, the doctor may prescribe medication for a patient with arthritis. These can include anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid therapy, remission agents, or any other treatment to relieve pain and prevent joint damage.

Non-pharmacological treatments: the role of the professional in physiotherapy

Several non-pharmacological treatments can also be implemented to facilitate the self-management of the person affected. This is where other specialists come in, such as the physiotherapist in Janakpuri.

According to data from arthritis research teams, physiotherapy interventions are recommended to allow people to better understand their disease, reduce pain, control swelling, improve joint mobility, increase their strength, control and muscular endurance.

These improvements ultimately allow for better accomplishment of daily activities, work, leisure and sports.

The physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka first performs a detailed assessment of the condition of the person affected. Subsequently, he recommends a multimodal approach, that is to say that he combines several types of interventions:

  • Teaching various pain management principles
  • Various manual techniques
  • Application of analgesic modalities (thermotherapy, electrotherapy)
  • Support in resuming physical activity
  • Teaching and correction of personalized exercises
  • Teaching and correcting postures to relieve pain
  • Testing and adjusting walking aids as needed

Backache in the Office

Physical inactivity at work is often cited as one of the main causes of back pain. However, the cause of our pain is not always what we believe and it may be that the sitting position is not the cause of all our worries. Dr. Gholam Sarwar, a physiotherapist in Dwarka, suggests that you find out more about the back pain encountered in the office and gives you some tips to remedy it. Ready to move?

Back pain and sitting position: cause or aggravating factor?

In light of the latest scientific studies, it would seem that working in an office, and especially in a sitting position, does not specifically increase the risk of back injuries. Indeed, we will speak more of aggravating factors than of real cause. It would, therefore, be wrong to say that an office worker is more at risk of back pain than any other category of the population.

However, in case of back pain, it is obvious that maintaining a prolonged sitting position may worsen the situation.

Therefore, even if we do not talk about a cause, maintaining the sitting position remains the main problem when dealing with back pain in the office. After one hour of sitting work, muscle fatigue can be felt in the transverse muscle and the internal oblique muscle of the abdomen, two important stabilizing muscles of the back.

The prolonged sitting position has also been shown to exert pressure on the discs, which can cause the intervertebral discs to sag.

The essentials to have a healthy back at work

Move regularly

When working in a company, it is not always easy to adapt to your work station and sitting is often one of the only possibilities. If you have to work while sitting, consider moving and stimulating your structures and muscles. It is strongly recommended to take a break every hour in order to get up and stretch.

Adapt your work environment

It is important to alternate and vary the positions as much as possible (sitting, standing, squatting, etc.). The goal is to allow your body to change position several times during the day so as not to always stimulate the same structures. An adjustable workstation, which allows you to work both standing and seated, is the ideal solution. Meetings and other professional activities can also be conducted differently to keep you moving.

For example, meetings or conferences can be organized in a place that favors walking or that will allow the speaker and his listeners to move.

Choose a good position

In order to promote good back health, some advice on your sitting posture can be useful:

  • Press your lower back to your chair (use a towel or cushion to press your back).
  • Bend your knees.
  • Put your feet on the ground.
  • Keep your arms close to your body and press your forearms on the armrests of the chair to reduce the pressure on your back.

Office back pain and physiotherapy

Are you worried about your back pain? Do not hesitate to consult a physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka. Following the evaluation of his patient’s condition, the physiotherapist in Janakpuri will be able to determine the various issues involved. The evaluation will make it possible to verify whether or not the patient suffers from joint restrictions, loss of mobility, muscular weakness, etc.

The physiotherapy professional can then use certain manual therapy techniques at his physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka such as mobilizations, stretching techniques, and muscle relaxation techniques in order to resolve these problems. Both in terms of prevention and treatment, the best physiotherapist in Dwarka will advise on the patient’s position and ergonomics. He may also prescribe strengthening exercises that will limit the effects of muscle fatigue.

It is important to remember that patient education and awareness plays a central role in their healing. The patient will be able to become independent and carry out the small daily gestures himself which will improve his condition.


How Many Minutes Does a Physiotherapy Session Take?

If you are looking for a physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka, one of the most common questions is how many minutes does a physical therapy session take.

If you have experienced a fracture, you have a great chance of being referred to a physiotherapist in Dwarka. But how do you know how many sessions will be needed? Despite the simplicity of the question, the answer will often depend on each person, the detail of the injury and the time required to recover. Check out this article on how long it would take on average.

How Many Minutes Does a Physical Therapy Session Take?

To begin with, there is no standardized response, as each person needs to be assessed on a variety of clinical, personal, family, and social criteria before being referred for specific treatment. Thereafter, planning and a forecast of the healing time is performed and each session can last from 30 minutes to 1 (one) hour, more or less.

As an example, it may take 4 days for one person to walk normally after a knee operation, while another may take more than a week for the same procedure. Recovery time takes into account your body, desire and personal ability to deal with pain.

It is no coincidence that the therapeutic process takes into account numerous phases and goals for each, as they are designed by the practitioner and the profile of the patient in question.

When to End Treatment

When you get to physiotherapy in Dwarka, you will do thorough workouts under the back of short, medium, and long term goals. There is usually a consensus between the patient and the physiotherapist as to the treatment termination, but there is some evidence that it is time to stop the sessions.

  • Constant evolution;
  • When you reach all the goals;
  • Elimination of pain;
  • Their functional movements returned to normality;
  • Inability to pay or cover the plan.

If you have not been able to meet your plan, continue with the sessions. Remembering that there are recommendations to be made even leaving the clinic. Sometimes your physiotherapist in Janakpuri may offer approaches to making your activity as less painful as possible by mechanically altering your movements.

Unfortunately, many run into financial issues. Each professional charges for their services that they believe are worthwhile as they have studied for it with effort and dedication. What can not happen is a devaluation of the professional just to ensure that you will receive it. There are two losses in this scenario: the devaluation of the physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka and that of a dissatisfied patient with pain.

The important thing is that the role of recovery is also up to the patient because he has the responsibility to want to improve. As for the technical part, the professional must deliver the best service that their knowledge can generate. Thus, the recuperative process gains in speed and effectiveness.


Muscle pain management at home: how physical therapists can help

Pain is a subjective and personal unpleasant experience and lacks a lot of evaluation experts to establish the most effective therapy for the patient. Already the painful sensation of muscle pain is caused by chronic inflammation of the region or acute manifestations resulting from trauma.

Knowing the complexity of this treatment and the possibility of encountering this situation in home environments, physiotherapist doctor in Dwarka must understand the related pathophysiological processes and the most commonly used therapies.

So if you want to know how to manage the pain of muscular origin in homecare regimen, stay here and understand more!

muscle pain management in dwarka

Carefully evaluate the patient’s muscle injury

When facing muscle pain, a patient who is in-home care, you must be careful. This is because the diagnostic methods are just the touch and reporting of the affected regions, which in itself is a limitation.

Then it is important to get the information about the onset of symptoms, intensity, degree of discomfort and is related to domestic falls or other incidents.

Analyze the contributing factors of pain sensation

Muscle pain is a manifestation that simultaneously generates feelings of fear, nervousness, lack of patience and others that must be weighed. However, these emotions also mask other important factors.

Therefore, it is advisable that the physiotherapist check for objects that are worsening the pain sensation in the affected area, if the patient’s diet contains a substance with inflammatory and even if caregivers are performing the exercises correctly in patients.

Thus, in addition to the used furniture and accessories (bed, shower chair, crutches, armrests, etc.) it is necessary to observe the clothes that the patient uses, whether he is staying very much in a position, if the accessories used in locomotion or hygiene they are too worn, among other variables.

Propose interventions gradually

The patient who is with muscle pain feels anxious for the elimination of this discomfort and uneasy about the intervention because he fears the worsening of symptoms.

Thus it is interesting to start with gradual techniques relating to muscle relaxation, elimination or reduction of us in the muscles to further establish deeper therapies.

This ensures a therapeutic relationship based on trust, and more adherence to treatment, enabling reduction or elimination of significant reported soreness initially.

However, it is important to educate the patient about the possibility of becoming chronic pain due to established pathophysiological process and in these situations, the physical therapy exercises lessen this problem, but can not eliminate it completely.

Muscle pain is an unpleasant sensation that affects patients after a joint disease or general trauma. The evaluation of this symptom in the home environment should include the main characteristics of the patient, emotionally involved and techniques used. Also, it is crucial that interventions gradually to avoid medical complications.

frozen-shoulder treatment

Do you suffer from “frozen shoulder”?

Maybe you have never heard this expression. And is that this disorder is not as well known as osteoarthritis or tendinitis but it is quite frequent, especially in women. Do you feel pain and stiffness? Attentive, because maybe it’s your case.

Physiotherapist in Dwarka calculates that between 3 and 5% of the population will suffer the so-called “frozen shoulder” at some point in their life. Although initially, this percentage may seem low, it increases considerably among certain groups.

80-90% of cases occur in women between 40 and 70 years, especially after menopause (from 50). But they are not the only ones affected. We tell you what this pathology consists of, how to identify its symptoms, which people are more at risk of suffering it, and what treatments exist to overcome it.



The medical term is adhesive or retractable capsulitis, although the same specialists use the expression “frozen shoulder” because it is much more graphic and easy to understand.

This disorder begins causing a very intense pain in the shoulder that usually gets worse at night. This usually starts suddenly and without a cause that justifies it (bad gesture, injury, etc.).

After a while, the person who suffers begin to notice a stiffness in the joint that ends up in the difficulty or inability to move the shoulder normally. Hence, the term “frozen shoulder.”

The immobility increases progressively until the person is unable to perform such habitual gestures as raising the arm and passing the hand over the head or carrying it towards the back too, for example, fastening the bra, knotting the apron or scratching.

This disorder occurs when there is inflammation in the capsule of the joint, which hinders the mobility of the ligaments that unite the bones that make up the shoulder. However, the cause that causes this inflammation is still unknown.


Although the reason is not known either, it is demonstrated that certain people are more at risk of suffering from “frozen shoulder”. And is that this disorder is associated with the following factors or pathologies:

  • Hormonal changes. The majority of cases occur in women over 40 years, and especially after menopause.
  • Diabetes. People who suffer from this disease also have a higher risk of suffering from “frozen shoulder”.
  • Thyroid problems Whether you suffer from hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism.
  • Heart surgery. People who have cardiovascular problems and have undergone open-heart surgery are also among the risk groups.
  • Shoulder injuries Having fractures, surgery on this joint and its immobilization for a while may favor adhesive capsulitis.

If you are in one of these risk groups, you should be alert to the first symptoms, since early diagnosis can help to make the recovery more favorable.

In addition, people with diabetes or with thyroid problems can reduce the risk of suffering “frozen shoulder” if they maintain good control of their disease.


Although in most cases recovery of shoulder mobility is total, the process is very slow and frozen shoulder treatment in Dwarka can last between 6 months and 2 years.

Although sometimes the “frozen shoulder” heals itself after 18-24 months, without treatment and spontaneously, it is advisable to go to the best physiotherapist in Dwarka as soon as possible since the treatment can advance the process, alleviate the symptoms and prevent mobility is reduced.

The physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka will assess the most appropriate treatment according to the phase of the disorder in which the patient is:

  1. Inflammatory phase. The pain is very intense, especially at night, which makes it difficult to rest. But there are still no mobility problems. At this stage, the best physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka usually prescribes analgesics and anti-inflammatories and advises avoiding those movements that may increase pain. Generally, it is advisable to combine a certain rest with gentle stretching exercises. In those acute cases in which the pain does not decrease, it may be necessary to perform some infiltration of steroids (corticosteroids) in the joint.
  2. Freezing phase. The shoulder begins to show rigidity and mobility problems are increasing, although the pain usually decreases. At this stage, physiotherapy in Dwarka is fundamental, although perseverance is needed. The number of rehabilitation sessions per week will depend on each case, but they can be daily and for several months. Recovery exercises should always be performed by a specialist physiotherapist in Janakpuri, who will also teach the affected person how to perform the stretching exercises correctly at home.
  3. Recovery or defrosting phase. Mobility progressively improves, although it may be necessary to continue doing exercises for a total recovery and to prevent future relapse.

Most people suffering from “frozen shoulder” respond well to this treatment, as long as they are constant both when going to physiotherapy sessions and when performing the exercises indicated at home.

However, in those cases in which a clear improvement is not achieved, it may be necessary to perform surgery. Normally the operation is performed by arthroscopy in Delhi, through small incisions, and with local anesthesia, and the objective is to “free” the ligaments to restore mobility to the shoulder joint.


The shoulder is one of the joints with greater mobility and, therefore, one of the most prone to pain. Therefore, when it does not return in several days it is necessary to go to the orthopaedic in Delhi to make a diagnosis.

In addition to adhesive or retractable capsulitis (“frozen shoulder”), these are the most common problems that can cause pain in this part of the body:

  • Contractures The muscles of the shoulder or cervical muscles contract due to a bad gesture, a bad posture repeated or sustained in time or tension.
  • Calcifications They consist of the accumulation of calcium in the supraspinatus tendon, usually due to minor trauma, tears or inflammation. It usually affects people between 30 and 50 years old.
  • Arthrosis This degenerative disease, in which a loss of cartilage occurs, can also affect the shoulder, as well as other joints such as the knee. In addition to pain and limited mobility, crunches (crepitations) may be felt when moving.
  • Rotator cuff injuries. It is formed by muscles and tendons that provide stability to the bones of the joint and facilitate movement. The tearing or breaking of these tissues by some trauma, sudden movement or wear are some of the most common problems, as well as the inflammation of some tendon (tendonitis).

The symptom of something more serious. When the pain does not vary with the movement, it can be a symptom of some disease that has nothing to do with the shoulder, such as a heart problem (in this case, it is usually accompanied by a feeling of tightness in the chest) or a pulmonary pathology, for example of the pleura. Some types of lung cancer can cause shoulder pain, especially when the tumor is large and press on the area near the joint.