Tag Archives: back pain

back pain treatment

Causes of Back Pain

Have you noticed back pain lately?

There are many people who experience back pain during or at the end of the day. This may be due to some pathology or as a consequence of bad gestures and postures in the activities that are carried out daily at work or during sports.

We all have suffered back pain at some point and many times we do not know what causes it. The two most common types of pain are mechanical and inflammatory.

The data does not lie, and it is that according to statistics, 80% of people have suffered or will suffer from this pain at some point in their lives, in many cases becoming chronic.

What are the causes of back pain?

There are many factors that affect and cause back pain to appear, from poor posture or an inappropriate choice of footwear to even psychological and emotional causes.

Despite this, it is almost always associated with a spinal or joint injury due to spinal wear or osteoporosis. When vertebral scoliosis occurs (the spine is curved sideways), very painful muscle contractures can arise.

Types of back pain that exist

Mechanical back pain:

It is the most frequent pain, it is usually described as pulsating pain, it worsens with movement and is relieved with rest. Its cause is mainly a muscle strain or trauma, however, it is most appropriate to receive an accurate diagnosis by your physiotherapist in Dwarka as soon as possible.

Some of its characteristics are:

  • It can occur at any age
  • It is not usually accompanied by morning stiffness and if it does not exceed 30 minutes
  • Its most common cause is usually trauma

Inflammatory back pain:

About 1 in 20 people with chronic back pain is usually of inflammatory origin. There are various diseases that can cause this inflammation and therefore the appearance of pain, some of them quite complicated to diagnose. It is very important to see a physiotherapist in Janakpuri as soon as this pain persists for a long time.

Some characteristics of inflammatory pain:

  • Appears before the age of 40
  • It has a gradual start
  • Pain improves with physical activity
  • Pain does not improve with rest
  • It usually makes you wake up at night
  • Morning stiffness of more than 30 minutes
  • Continued pain of more than 3 months
  • Alternation of pain in the buttocks

The importance of treating back pain on time

The most important thing to keep in mind to treat back ailments is to see a physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka as soon as possible, since, if it takes a long time to treat, the discomfort usually increases over time and once it is established, it is difficult to reverse.
When acute back pain appears, it is usually first treated with pain relievers and muscle relaxants.

Later, when the muscles have relaxed, physiotherapy treatments are usually applied to lessen the pain and lessen the discomfort. It is also recommended to exercise regularly to avoid the risk of pain onset.


Backache in the Office

Physical inactivity at work is often cited as one of the main causes of back pain. However, the cause of our pain is not always what we believe and it may be that the sitting position is not the cause of all our worries. Dr. Gholam Sarwar, a physiotherapist in Dwarka, suggests that you find out more about the back pain encountered in the office and gives you some tips to remedy it. Ready to move?

Back pain and sitting position: cause or aggravating factor?

In light of the latest scientific studies, it would seem that working in an office, and especially in a sitting position, does not specifically increase the risk of back injuries. Indeed, we will speak more of aggravating factors than of real cause. It would, therefore, be wrong to say that an office worker is more at risk of back pain than any other category of the population.

However, in case of back pain, it is obvious that maintaining a prolonged sitting position may worsen the situation.

Therefore, even if we do not talk about a cause, maintaining the sitting position remains the main problem when dealing with back pain in the office. After one hour of sitting work, muscle fatigue can be felt in the transverse muscle and the internal oblique muscle of the abdomen, two important stabilizing muscles of the back.

The prolonged sitting position has also been shown to exert pressure on the discs, which can cause the intervertebral discs to sag.

The essentials to have a healthy back at work

Move regularly

When working in a company, it is not always easy to adapt to your work station and sitting is often one of the only possibilities. If you have to work while sitting, consider moving and stimulating your structures and muscles. It is strongly recommended to take a break every hour in order to get up and stretch.

Adapt your work environment

It is important to alternate and vary the positions as much as possible (sitting, standing, squatting, etc.). The goal is to allow your body to change position several times during the day so as not to always stimulate the same structures. An adjustable workstation, which allows you to work both standing and seated, is the ideal solution. Meetings and other professional activities can also be conducted differently to keep you moving.

For example, meetings or conferences can be organized in a place that favors walking or that will allow the speaker and his listeners to move.

Choose a good position

In order to promote good back health, some advice on your sitting posture can be useful:

  • Press your lower back to your chair (use a towel or cushion to press your back).
  • Bend your knees.
  • Put your feet on the ground.
  • Keep your arms close to your body and press your forearms on the armrests of the chair to reduce the pressure on your back.

Office back pain and physiotherapy

Are you worried about your back pain? Do not hesitate to consult a physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka. Following the evaluation of his patient’s condition, the physiotherapist in Janakpuri will be able to determine the various issues involved. The evaluation will make it possible to verify whether or not the patient suffers from joint restrictions, loss of mobility, muscular weakness, etc.

The physiotherapy professional can then use certain manual therapy techniques at his physiotherapy clinic in Dwarka such as mobilizations, stretching techniques, and muscle relaxation techniques in order to resolve these problems. Both in terms of prevention and treatment, the best physiotherapist in Dwarka will advise on the patient’s position and ergonomics. He may also prescribe strengthening exercises that will limit the effects of muscle fatigue.

It is important to remember that patient education and awareness plays a central role in their healing. The patient will be able to become independent and carry out the small daily gestures himself which will improve his condition.

back pain

Low Back Pain: 8 Simple Care To Avoid Back Pain And Live Better

Have you ever had back pain? According to WHO (World Health Organization) data, 8 out of 10 people will experience this pain at least once in their lifetime. Low back pain is the second most common pain in the world, second only to the headache.

Low back pain – also called lumbago, lower back pain or simply back pain – is the pain in the lower, lower back, near the pelvis, and may extend to the buttocks and back (back) of the back. thighs. When left untreated, it can be very detrimental to one’s quality of life.

Why do I have back pain?

Fortunately, most people experience back pain because of posture rather than more serious factors. These are erroneous, continuous habits that affect posture, such as working all day bent over the computer keyboard, incorrect sleeping, sitting, driving, and so on.

Low back pain of muscular origin can also arise from sudden movements, twisting, distension of the muscles or ligaments of the back and sedentary lifestyle, due to lack of exercise.

Common causes also include orthopedic and rheumatic diseases (such as herniated disc and sciatic nerve problems), aging, intervertebral disc infection, etc. In addition, psychological factors such as exhaustion, tension, and stress, so common in modern times, can also exacerbate back pain considerably.

Fortunately, low back pain is hardly the result of serious diseases such as cancer, degenerative diseases of the intervertebral discs, among others.

What are the most common symptoms of low back pain?

The main symptom of low back pain is a non-stop pain located in the lower back. The pain can range from simple discomfort to severe and disabling pain. Tingling and numbness can also be observed, as well as cases where the person feels a strong muscle contraction, which makes it impossible even to perform common movements, such as walking, driving, sitting, etc.

Is there a way to prevent low back pain?

Yes, there is. The physiotherapist in Dwarka, highlights “it is important to promote lifestyle change, through the implementation of a specific exercise program and posture care. These exercises are called isometric strengthening and should be practiced to develop the muscles of the entire lower back and abdomen, which form a belt of muscles called the “lumbar stabilizer muscles” that support and protect the spine.

Physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka warns, however, that “muscle-building exercises need to be done correctly so as not to cause injury and further worsen the condition.” It is therefore imperative that the practice takes place under the guidance of a physical therapist or practitioner. of physical education.

Are there differences between low back pain?

Yes. There are different ways to classify low back pain. The first way is regarding the duration of pain:

Acute Low Back Pain – When pain duration is less than 6 weeks

Subacute Low Back Pain – When pain duration is between 6 and 12 weeks

Chronic low back pain – When pain duration is 3 months or more

Low back pain is also classified according to its origin:

Does not specify – It represents 90% of all patients with low back pain. It has no clear cause. Its diagnosis is made by exclusion after other pathologies have been ruled out.

Specific – Caused by some pathology, such as herniated disc with nerve root involvement, inflammatory disorders, infections, osteoporosis, rheumatoid arthritis, fractures or tumors.

8 Tips to Avoid Back Pain in Everyday Life

1. Control your weight

Try to stay within your ideal weight. Obesity greatly damages the spine.

2. Do physical exercises

Do physical activities at least 3 times a week for 30 minutes.

3. Don’t carry too much weight

Avoid carrying too much weight or overweight. If you need to lift some weight, bend your knees and try to keep your spine upright.

4. Search for the best sleeping position

Try to sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs, or on your back with a pillow under your knees. Avoid sleeping on your stomach.

5. Careful when lifting

Get out of bed always on your side. Support yourself and take your time. Avoid getting forward too sharply.

6. Sit down correctly

If you spend many hours sitting, use an armchair that does not recline. Your feet should be flat against the floor.

7. Screen at eye level

If you work with a computer (or spend hours on your smartphone), remember that the screen should be at eye level

8. Observe your posture also while driving

Maintain good posture and try to place support or cushion behind your lower back – especially if you spend a lot of time in traffic.


What is the recommended treatment for low back pain?

It is essential to seek the opinion of an orthopedist or physiotherapist in Dwarka to get the correct diagnosis and the best treatment for low back pain.

There are several possible treatments, including the use of pain relief drugs, muscle relaxants, acupuncture, infiltration sessions, a multidisciplinary rehabilitation program, supervised physical activities, etc.

Many physical therapists work using RPG (Global Postural Reeducation) techniques, which focus on stretching the muscles responsible for postural change due to shortening, which leads to loss of flexibility.

In addition, the physiotherapist in Janakpuri may also resort to the use of pain-relieving apparatus and stretching, relaxing therapeutic massages for tense muscles, and postural correction through exercise.