knee pain physiotherapy
April 18, 2019
knee pain physiotherapy

Knee Pain Management By Physiotherapy

We will explain in this article some very interesting notions about knee pain. It is a very common problem that can come from very different reasons so it is always important to contact the doctor when we notice that the problem starts to avoid major injuries.

Knee pain


The knees are very complicated joints and, therefore, very delicate too. That is why so many people complain of pain in them. When there are so many anatomical components in the same place of anatomy – key for walking and supporting body weight – it is understandable that the percentage of diseases that converge in them is so high.

Brief anatomical notions

The knee is the central joint of the lower limbs. It allows the flexion of the legs to walk, run or remain seated. It is the main union of three quite long bones: the femur, the tibia, and the fibula. Facilitating mobility and in the anterior and inferior part of the femur, there is a small bone called a patella. The patella serves as an insertion to the patellar tendon and the quadriceps tendon; It also acts as a kind of pulley that transmits the force generated in the contraction of the quadriceps muscle.

In order to provide stability and mobility are several ligamentsmuscles, and tendons. The main ligaments are the anterior cruciate (LCA), the posterior cruciate (LCP), the internal lateral (LLI), the lateral (LLE) and the patellar. The tendons correspond to the quadriceps and the patellar.

In addition, there are two fibrocartilages called meniscus (the middle meniscus and the lateral meniscus). To facilitate mobility and prevent friction between the bones, the knee is provided with the joint capsule that produces the synovial fluid intended to lubricate the joint, in addition to the cartilage and serious bags. Finally, the blood vessels irrigate and nourish the entire area.

This brief summary can give you an idea of ​​the complexity of the articulation and the range of disorders, injuries, and pathologies that can cause pain in the knees.

Causes of knee pain

The causes can be diverse. Here are some of them:

  • Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout.
  • Sprains in tendons and ligaments produced by sprains.
  • Fracture of some of the bones.
  • Dislocation of the patella.
  • Torn ligament.
  • Break of one of the meniscuses. The pain appears in the interior or exterior area.
  • Pain is felt especially when going down or upstairs in the front area of ​​the joint.
  • Chondromalacia patella also called femoral patellar syndrome. Frequently affects athletes and young people. The cartilage located between the femur and the patella suffers a degeneration that produces pain in the anterior part of the knee.
  • Infection in the knee.
  • Baker’s cyst. It is a fluid-filled lump that is located behind the knee.
  • Lupus and other connective tissue disorders.
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease. Inflammation occurs in the front and back.
  • It is an inflammation produced by overload or continuous pressure.
  • Iliotibial band syndrome from the hip and that runs throughout the thigh to reach the inner area of ​​the knee.
  • Bone tumors
  • And all types of injuries of any of the anatomical components that are part of the knee such as ligaments, bones, tendons, cartilages, etc.

In addition to everything cited, overweight, bad postures, walking with inadequate footwear and spine and hip conditions will increase the possibility of suffering, even in the long term, some knee pathology that will undoubtedly cause pain in the joint.

How to avoid knee pain (prevention)

To avoid knee pain, it is convenient to lead a healthy life and exercise. Do not load your knees with a lot of weight. A balanced diet with a contribution of vitamins, minerals, calcium, proteins, etc. It will be the most appropriate.

When you do the exercises try to control the movements well so that they are not rough or can affect the knees.

If you like a sport do not forget to stretch before and after sports.

If you already have an injury and have not contraindicated to play sports, it is advisable to use the appropriate protectors and knee pads. Physiotherapist in Dwarka will advise you the most suitable product for your needs.

Remember also that inadequate footwear is the cause of pathologies in the knees, hips, and spine.

As we have already indicated, when you begin to notice pain in your knees, it is best to go to the best physiotherapist in Dwarka. This will request the pertinent tests (radiographs, magnetic resonances, etc.) to make a correct diagnosis. The doctor will tell you the most appropriate treatment that may consist of infiltrations, topical drugs or administered orally or even surgical interventions.

Advanced age is also a factor to be considered. Anyway, do not be discouraged. If you live and eat healthy with a proper diet, it is very easy for you to forget about this common and annoying condition called knee pain.

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