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physiotherapy in pregnancy

Therapeutic Exercise In Pregnancy

Today, many women attend childbirth classes, physiotherapy or exercise groups for pregnant women. Do you want to know what therapeutic exercise for pregnant women really is? What does it consist of and when can it be done? Then keep reading this post and we will tell you.

The first thing we want to clarify is that we are always going to talk about therapeutic exercise (whether during pregnancy, postpartum or in any other area), since it is what we, as physiotherapists in Dwarka, carry out in our clinic. In a very brief way and without going into details, the difference is that our objective is to prevent and/or improve pathologies or injuries; that is, it always has an approach from the field of health, taking into account possible contraindications and adapting the exercise to posture, biomechanics, injury, ailment, etc. that each patient presents.

Returning to pregnancy, there are more and more studies that deny that pregnant women should avoid physical exercise because it could put the baby at risk. Well, today we know that this is not the case at all, and in fact, it is more than recommended that pregnant women maintain an active life, as long as there is no contraindication for it.

And that is precisely what therapeutic exercise for pregnant women is about. Its main objective is to keep the body in the best possible condition at a time when it is going through so many changes. In addition, it seeks to prepare the different tissues for the moment of delivery, and thus avoid possible complications or sequelae. Another very important point in these groups is postural correction and relaxation of the different joints and muscles, always with care, since laxity is increased at this stage.

And how is this achieved?

At Dr Sarwar Physiotherapy Center in Dwarka, we have brought together our knowledge of anatomy, different training methods and musculoskeletal techniques to develop a complete program of therapeutic exercise in pregnancy. Throughout the sessions, we will work on different aspects so that pregnancy and childbirth are carried out in the best possible way.

How do we do it?

  • Initial assessment of each patient, to know what each member of the group needs.
  • 1h classes, you can choose between 1 or 2 sessions/week.
  • Small groups (maximum 5 people).
  • Individualized exercises are controlled at all times by a physiotherapist.

Class structure:

  • Heating.
  • Strength exercises give special importance to the transverse and pelvic floor.
  • Flexibility and joint mobility exercises are important to favour the baby’s positioning for childbirth and prepare our body for that moment.
  • Postural exercises, including therapeutic pilates exercises.
  • Stretching and relaxation techniques.

When can I start?

Because it is a preventive program, it should be started as soon as possible, after the first 3 months, which are the highest risk for the embryo. In general, this type of exercise is usually started between the 14th and 16th week of gestation, at which time the fetus is already developed (although it continues to grow) and in which there is still time to prevent neck pain. back and other disorders.

What will it help me with?

  • improve posture
  • Prevent and/or relieve pain associated with pregnancy.
  • Make the pelvic joints more flexible to favour their opening in childbirth, and tone and elasticize the pelvic floor.
  • Provide relaxation and breathing techniques useful during pregnancy and childbirth.
  • Share time with women in the same state as you and share concerns and experiences.

Am I a candidate to join a group?

This program, as its name suggests, is intended for any woman who is expecting a baby. As with any training method, there are a number of contraindications. The most important thing is that you pay attention to your gynaecologist if she gives you rest for any reason.

If you have doubts, you can consult a physiotherapist in Dwarka without any problem and we will tell you if it is contraindicated in your case or not.

Now there is no excuse not to keep your pregnant body active and, at the same time, enjoy the process of preparing for childbirth. If you do, you will notice the difference, we assure you.


Living With Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis. It would come from the inability of the body to repair the joint having suffered damage and it is part of the normal aging of this one. This damage can come either from an injury or from a prolonged and/or repeated overload on a joint. One in six Indians currently faces this problem.


Osteoarthritis can present with different symptoms:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Crackling and joint noises
  • Stiffness
  • Instability


Several joints can be affected by osteoarthritis, the most common areas are:

  • knees
  • hands
  • hips
  • spine


Although there is still no way to cure osteoarthritis, several solutions are available to people who suffer from it, in order to improve their quality of life. The solution most recommended and most quoted in the scientific literature is exercise!

The most recent studies demonstrate the benefits:

  • Reduction of pain
  • Reduced use of pain medication
  • Improved quality of life
  • and several other complementary benefits to the general health of the body.

In addition, the exercise would delay or avoid certain surgical procedures.


Your physiotherapist in Dwarka is well equipped to guide you in managing your pain related to osteoarthritis.

A physiotherapy consultation will include:

  • Assessment of joint mobility, strength, posture, and functional abilities;
  • Advice on joint protection and pain management;
  • Prescription and teaching of exercises personally adapted to the condition (mobility, strengthening, and proprioception);
  • joint mobilizations;
  • Orthopedic manual therapy;
  • Soft tissue techniques;
  • Tapings;
  • Suggestion for a technical walking aid.
myofascial trigger point

What are trigger points and how are they treated?

Today musculoskeletal disorders are one of the main causes of consultation with our physiotherapists. There are many soft tissue problems: trauma or blows, inflammation, loss of strength… and Myofascial Pain and Dysfunction Syndrome, which mainly affects the muscles and is caused by the Myofascial Trigger Point.

What is a myofascial trigger point?

A Myofascial Trigger Point is a palpable nodule within a taut band of skeletal muscle, the most significant feature of which is pain.

It is called the trigger point (or in Anglo-Saxon terminology Trigger Point), alluding to the trigger of a firearm, since when we press the trigger, the impact of the bullet occurs at a distance. Thus, in a trigger point the pain produced is radiated.

This phenomenon explains why in many patients a muscular problem, such as hypertonia or contraction of the sternocleidomastoid, causes referred or distant pain in the area of ​​the head in the occiput or in the orbicular area (around the eye). We would speak in this case of a tension-type headache.

The presence of trigger points is quite common in the posterior muscles of the neck and back. This is due to the fact that, due to their morphology, biomechanics and function, they are muscle groups that are very prone to fatigue and hypertonia.

What symptoms do trigger points cause?

To find out if it is a trigger point that is causing your injury, in addition to intense pain, you will be able to perceive:

  • Contractures.
  • Rigidity.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Muscular fatigue.
  • Imbalances.
  • dizziness
  • dizziness
  • Chronic headaches.
  • and many other symptoms depending on each individual.

When a patient has trigger points, the band where the trigger point is lodged feels tense. Sometimes a nodule will be visible and sometimes not.

Myofascial Pain caused by Trigger Points is different in each muscle. The severity and extent of the pain pattern will depend on the degree of trigger point irritability and not on the size of the muscle. On the other hand, their irritability can vary according to the time or day and the stress threshold.

What causes or factors cause the appearance of a trigger point?

Muscles are made up of many muscle fibers and these fibers in turn are filled with sarcomeres which are what allow contraction. When a muscle is in permanent contraction due to muscular overload, a trigger point is activated in the area.

Trigger points thus reflect points where sarcomeres become overactive.

Possible triggers:

  • Physical factors:

-Postural fatigue due to maintained postures (the muscles of the back are usually fatigued).

-Direct or repetitive trauma.

-Acute overload.

-Joint alterations

-Fatigue due to overexertion in muscles subject to excessively sustained or repeated contractions.


-By action of other trigger points of muscles that are in the area of ​​referred pain.

  • Emotional factors: stress, anxiety…
  • Visceral factors: Stomach or liver problems from poor diet or stress can activate upper back trigger points.

Treatment of myofascial trigger points

The treatment of myofascial trigger points can be done using different methods, since they can be conservative or invasive.

Among conservatives, physiotherapy techniques based on manual therapy can be performed, such as digital pressure on trigger points, decontracting massage therapy, stretching and cryotherapy (application of ice). Regarding its invasive treatment, dry needling is postulated as one of the most effective techniques in the approach of myofascial pain syndrome.

There are also other invasive physiotherapy techniques such as intratissue percutaneous electrolysis, neuromodulation, which help the physiotherapist in Dwarka in dealing with pain.

The benefits of invasive techniques is that, although they are more aggressive, they help speed up recovery periods.

dry needling

It consists of the percutaneous application of acupuncture needles to the myofascial trigger point area with the aim of breaking the adhesions of the nodule.

It is a very effective technique since after 24-48 hours the pain has disappeared and the muscle has managed to relax, recovering its normal state.

Is dry needling the same as acupuncture?

Due to their similarities in the therapeutic approach, many patients confuse acupuncture with dry needling, since both are performed with needles.

The main difference between the two is the mechanism of action: As we have mentioned before, dry needling seeks to break the muscle contraction mechanism that is generating the pain. However, acupuncture is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine and seeks to release and normalize the energy flow of the body through the energy meridians.

 If you report muscle pain, it is best to see a qualified physiotherapist in Delhi for evaluation. In order for a physiotherapist in Dwarka to perform the dry needling technique, they must be trained and accredited to perform this invasive technique.


Physiotherapy treatment in plagiocephaly

Pediatric physical therapy helps infants and children with health problems. One of the most common disorders in newborns is plagiocephaly, a pathology that improves considerably thanks to physiotherapy treatment.

What is?

Plagiocephaly or square head syndrome is a common deformity and is characterized by the flattening or asymmetry of an area of ​​the baby’s head.

Why does it occur?

The baby’s skull is a fragile and malleable structure, so constant pressure exerted on the same area of ​​the head can cause plagiocephaly. Thus, many babies can be born with a deformity in the head due to the intrauterine position or due to the pressure suffered during childbirth. Normally, this imperfection is usually corrected only in about 6 weeks.

Plagiocephaly can also be caused after birth, what is known as “postural plagiocephaly”, the most common of all, and which is usually caused by external pressure on the baby’s skull. This can happen when a baby spends a long period in the incubator or because of the habit of always putting them to bed in the same position.

How is plagiocephaly manifested?

Positional plagiocephaly does not affect the brain and is not a cause of mental retardation or any type of neurological or motor alteration, it is merely aesthetic, unless there is a syndrome associated with it, which must be diagnosed by a child neurologist.

Plagiocephaly can cause postural torticollis. This means that babies are not able to turn their heads on their own for a while.

When to go to a physiotherapist for the treatment of plagiocephaly?

  • When the baby is born with a head deformity and after 6 weeks it does not disappear.
  • If you only turn your head to one side or show signs of torticollis.
  • If we detect asymmetries or slight deformities in the baby’s head.

An early visual diagnosis by parents and the adoption of corrective measures effectively prevent or counteract cranial deformity.

What does physiotherapy treatment consist of?

Plagiocephalies diagnosed as mild-moderate have a good prognosis for treatment. At Masvitae we combine physiotherapy treatment developed by a professional, with postural hygiene measures where parental action is required.

After the initial assessment phase, the treatment we carry out at Masvitae consists of gentle, painless and harmless maneuvers that treat the bone alteration by shaping the baby’s skull.

Different rehabilitation techniques developed in several sessions will be carried out, always according to the needs of the patient. It is very important that the intervention begins before the child is six months old, when the skull is more malleable.

As we mentioned, the other part of the treatment consists of postural hygiene measures, and for this the involvement of the parents plays a very important role. The physical therapist will teach them recommendations to follow at home.

Postural recommendations to correct plagiocephaly.

We leave you some of the recommendations that can help you:

  • Changes in the lateral position of the head (so that each time the nose is to one side), while the child sleeps, with the help of the tilt of the mattress.
  • When the child is awake and under supervision, place him on his stomach for 30-60 minutes daily, but make sure he is always awake.
  • Change the position of the crib so that the baby has to rotate his head away from the flattened part. We will do it when you try to look at the parents or at what might catch your attention in the room.

If you have any doubts about whether your son or daughter could have plagiocephaly, go to your trusted pediatrician where he will evaluate it and indicate the steps to follow. If you are diagnosed with mild or moderate plagiocephaly, physiotherapy performed by a specialist physiotherapist in Dwarka has a very good prognosis for treatment.


What is Myofascial Therapy?

The myofascial therapy consists of a physiotherapy technique that tries to assess and locate restrictions in the myofascial system, for further treatment.

What is the fascial system?

When myofascial therapy is applied by the physiotherapist in Dwarka, it acts on fascial system, which constitutes a fibrous (collagen-rich) set that coats, and penetrates all the muscles, bones, joints and structures of the human body to unify it. Among the main functions of the fascia are to protect these tissues from possible impacts or injuries, as well as to inform the central nervous system of the position, movement and general condition of the body.

When do these restrictions appear?

A structural change in the fascia can cause myofascial dysfunctions, which significantly interfere with the quality of life of the patient, as it causes discomfort and pain.

The causes of onset these dysfunctions can be diverse. We highlight some:

  • Bad postural habits.
  • Local or global prolonged immobilization (bed, plasters, etc.)
  • Repetitive trauma: overuse or misuse (postural and dynamic hygiene at work, poorly executed exercise, excess exercise, overload after a competition, …)
  • Trauma: bumps, falls, …
  • Problems arising after surgical recovery.
  • Inadequate nutrition, intolerances, toxic intake, …
  • Stress-related emotional causes.

How is myofascial therapy applied?

When the physiotherapist in Janakpuri acts on the restrictions, he tries to stimulate the fascia with different techniques of different intensity. In this way, it is possible to provide information to both the tissue and the central nervous system that results, on the one hand, in trophic changes of tissue characteristics at the local level. On the other hand, the central nervous system will receive different information from the tissue causing the discomfort or pain in the patient.

When is myofascial therapy commonly applied?

  • Central and peripheral nervous system dysfunctions.
  • Dysfunctions of circulatory systems.
  • ATM dysfunctions.
  • Rehabilitation of sports injuries.
  • Post-traumatic and post-surgical rehabilitation.
  • Pelvic floor disorders.
  • Respiratory disorders.

Among the most common benefits of myofascial therapy are:

  • Elimination of painful symptoms.
  • Recovery of the function of the locomotive system.
  • Improved circulation of antibodies.
  • Increased blood supply, accelerating healing and healing processes.
  • Reduction in postural and dynamic disorganization of the body
  • A more coordinated and efficient movement

Hip or Knee Prostheses

From osteoarthritis to a prosthesis

Osteoarthritis is defined as damage and/or wear and tear on a joint that the body cannot repair. This condition leads to the deterioration of the cartilage (the solid elastic material that covers and protects the ends of the bones) and the friction of the bone below it, which will cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the joint. Osteoarthritis can be caused by the normal ageing process or be the result of abnormal stress or injury.

The hips and knees are joints frequently affected by osteoarthritis and it is the main cause that will lead to the replacement of the hip or knee with a prosthesis.

Conservative treatment is considered at an early stage of osteoarthritis. Medication, ice and heat applications can help relieve pain. A consultation with a physiotherapist in Dwarka can be useful in order to maintain good mobility of the joints, reduce muscle tension around and strengthen the surrounding muscles.

When the pain becomes too strong, there is a significant loss of mobility, the function of the person is more and more limited and there has been a failure of conservative treatment, surgery (arthroplasty) becomes the best option.

Definition of arthroplasty

The arthroplasty can be qualified in many ways: total replacement of the hip, total replacement of the knee or more commonly called: prostheses of the hip or the knee.

This surgical procedure, performed by an orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi, consists of replacing the damaged joint with an artificial joint prosthesis. After making an incision at the joint, the surgeon removes damaged bone and cartilage tissue. Then, he reshapes the bone surfaces between which the prosthesis often made of the metal alloy will be inserted. Finally, the orthopedic in Delhi installs the prosthesis intended to replace part or all of the damaged joint and most often fixes it with special instant-hardening cement.

Physiotherapy before and after surgery

Physiotherapy in Dwarka is essential after the operation but is also very relevant before surgery. Recovery from arthroplasty is often faster if the person is in good shape before surgery. The physiotherapist in Janakpuri can, therefore, teach mobility and strengthening exercise program adapted to the pain. He can also teach transfers, positioning, the use of a walking accessory and set realistic goals with the patient before his operation.

Once operated, it is important to respect the restrictions required by the orthopaedic in Delhi who may vary depending on the different approaches used and the condition of the person. Again, a program of mobility exercises, strengthening and transfers will be taught by the best physiotherapist in Dwarka and will evolve over time depending on the recovery of the person. The return to normal function is the objective and the return to sport can be discussed with the attending surgeon according to the evolution.

The speed of recovery varies from one person to another and can be influenced by the initial physical form, the attendance at the exercises taught in physiotherapy and the respect of the advice of the specialists involved.

Do not hesitate to make an appointment with one of our physiotherapists to take charge of your condition linked to osteoarthritis or for your knee or hip prosthesis follow-up.


Physiotherapy in Epicondylitis

There are many pathologies that prevent the development of multiple activities, both sports and daily, due to the pain they cause, but these injuries, as in the case of epicondylitis, are treated with Physiotherapy in Dwarka and tend to evolve very positively. In order to talk about the physiotherapy of epicondylitis, it is important to define what this lesion is, therefore, before mentioning the treatments for this pathology, it is worth exploring what epicondylitis is and, later, what Physiotherapy can provide.

Physiotherapy and epicondylitis, what is epicondylitis?

Epicondylitis is also known as tennis elbow; it is an injury or inflammation of the epicondylar tendons that occurs on the outside of the elbow specifically on the outside of the elbow and one of its main symptoms and for which mainly the patients is localized pain in this area.

This pain is usually manifested when performing movements that mainly involve the extensors of the hand, the cause is usually an impact on the area or previous repetitive movements that compromise this area of ​​the arm, or also by forced extension and rotation wrist or when the arm is subjected to supination repeatedly or with heavy loads, that is, supination is a rotational movement that is done with the arm and involves the elbow. These movements can generate small fibrillar micro tears, although they will mainly affect the tendon.

Symptoms of epicondylitis

  • Pain on the outside of the elbow
  • Inability to perform some movements such as wrist extension
  • Pressure pain in the injury area
  • Pain when lifting the arm, or lifting a simple item such as a glass or bottle

Epicondylitis treatment through physical therapy

Although there are several types of treatments such as doctors or pharmacists, there are other types of treatments that are less invasive and provide a long-term solution that constitute the treatment of physical therapy in epicondylitis.

Keep in mind that this type of injury must be managed by experts in the field, in this case a Physiotherapist in Dwarka who will assess what your elbow needs and, in some cases, will extend the treatment to the entire area of ​​the arm and forearm to relax. the entire territory and obtain a faster and more efficient improvement.

This type of treatment consists of reducing inflammation and pain in the elbow through the application of various Physiotherapy techniques. When the pain decreases, exercises will be performed to strengthen this part of the body to avoid repetitions of the injury in the future. The epicondylitis physiotherapy in Janakpuri uses various means to improve the development and resolution of inflammation and pain. Here is one of the treatments:

  • Anti-inflammatories: It is a medical treatment, but it should be taken into account (and that is why we include it here) because some patients leave the medical treatment when they start physical therapy, it is necessary to emphasize that they are complementary treatment and that they will have more effect acting at the same time as separately. In some extreme cases, the doctor may perform an infiltration, but it would be preferable before this to have exhausted the possibilities offered by physical therapy.
  • Capacitive and resistive diathermy. It is the most powerful technique, applying capacitive Diathermy on the muscles that pull the tendon will achieve a relaxation effect that will improve the expectations of a good evolution and using Resistive Diathermy on the tendon will directly achieve a powerful anti-inflammatory and calming effect.
  • Cryotherapy: this is another treatment that consists of applying cold in various ways: cold compresses, ice, etc. Cold physiotherapy always seeks to reduce inflammation and pain on the affected muscles and on the tendon. It should be borne in mind that this procedure is mainly used at times when the pain becomes acute.
  • Ultrasound: Ultrasound treatment is one of the most effective treatments for epicondylitis, it will improve mobility and pain.
  • TENS: this device uses electrodes for its operation that allows pain to work. By means of a special type of current it can achieve very powerful pain-relieving effects and at low frequencies it also manages to improve local circulation and therefore decrease inflammation.
  • Exercises: Once our patient has recovered, we must teach him the exercises that allow an increase in resistance and strength in the affected musculature, without forgetting the exercises of flexibility, all these Physiotherapy treatments in Dwarka will achieve a progressive improvement and will avoid possible relapses.



Chronic Respiratory Diseases And Physical Therapy

Chronic respiratory diseases are diseases of the lungs that extend over long periods of time, most often for life. The most common are considered: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, pulmonary emphysema, bronchiectasis, various respiratory allergies, occupational lung disease, primary or secondary pulmonary hypertension.

In such conditions, breathing encounters varying degrees of difficulty, which is why the patient “forgets” to breathe. Breathing comprises two phases: air penetration into the lungs (inspiration); elimination of air from the lungs (expiration), which lasts longer than inspiration. A resting adult performs 16 breathing movements per minute (respiratory rate).

This rhythm is higher in women; it increases during muscle activity, exercise and so on. Normal breathing is an involuntary reflex act. The lungs passively follow the movements of the rib cage. During inspiration, the volume of the rib cage increases due to the contraction of the respiratory muscles: the diaphragm contracts and descends, the intercostal muscles pull the ribs and lift them. The movement of the ribs pushes the sternum forward, and the lungs fill with air. Upon expiration, the muscles relax, and the lungs shrink in volume with that of the rib cage, eliminating air.

Inspiration is, therefore, the active phase of respiration, and expiration is the passive phase. The air inlets and outlets of the respiratory system show pulmonary ventilation, which depends on the frequency and depth of respiratory movements. They can increase through training, gymnastics, etc. Air is a mixture of gases in the following proportion: 21% oxygen, 78% nitrogen, 0.03% carbon dioxide and other gases in very small quantities. The characteristics of inhaled air are different from those of exhaled air. Thus in the lungs, the air loses oxygen, is enriched in carbon dioxide and water vapour.

Physiotherapist in Dwarka uses breathing exercises in order to improve breathing, to use as much of the lung capacity as possible, in order to functionally recover the lungs. The patient with chronic lung diseases will be taught to gradually restore his respiratory rate to 14-18 breaths/minute. By repeatedly performing some exercises to strengthen the muscles (ups and downs, rotations, abductions and adductions), we try to tone the respiratory muscles (back, chest, abdominal muscles).

The means of re-education of respiration are:
1. improvement of bronchial permeability by removing obstacles to air circulation (cough control to eliminate excess secretions by applying a change in trunk position that will promote postural drainage (leakage of secretions through the trachea );

2. guided ventilation (both inspiration) and its expiration are done on the nose, this having as consequences the purification and heating of the air at the level of the nostrils. The aim is thus, the strengthening of the inspiratory muscles, the increase of the thoracic volume.

Recommendations that can be made to improve breathing are active respiratory movements, abdominal breathing movements, mobilization of the torso and thoracic box. Once the muscles of the back, thorax, abdomen are strengthened, the respiratory movements will be executed more simply, a gradual improvement of the two phases of the respiration process will be noticed, of the oxygenation of the organism in totality. Lack of physical activity of the lungs causes a series of related functional disorders, especially cardiovascular, muscular and metabolic but also mental, which will have repercussions on respiration along with the actual physical impairment.

The readjustment to the effort is done gradually, starting with the ordinary walking, on flat ground, for a few minutes, then accelerating the speed and increasing the time. It takes time to climb the stairs and train at the pool. Physical therapy is another method of re-educating the breath.

The goal of physiotherapy in Dwarka for chronic lung disease is to increase the lung capacity affected by chronic disease. The expected effect occurs fairly quickly, encouraging the patient to move constantly.

back pain treatment

Causes of Back Pain

Have you noticed back pain lately?

There are many people who experience back pain during or at the end of the day. This may be due to some pathology or as a consequence of bad gestures and postures in the activities that are carried out daily at work or during sports.

We all have suffered back pain at some point and many times we do not know what causes it. The two most common types of pain are mechanical and inflammatory.

The data does not lie, and it is that according to statistics, 80% of people have suffered or will suffer from this pain at some point in their lives, in many cases becoming chronic.

What are the causes of back pain?

There are many factors that affect and cause back pain to appear, from poor posture or an inappropriate choice of footwear to even psychological and emotional causes.

Despite this, it is almost always associated with a spinal or joint injury due to spinal wear or osteoporosis. When vertebral scoliosis occurs (the spine is curved sideways), very painful muscle contractures can arise.

Types of back pain that exist

Mechanical back pain:

It is the most frequent pain, it is usually described as pulsating pain, it worsens with movement and is relieved with rest. Its cause is mainly a muscle strain or trauma, however, it is most appropriate to receive an accurate diagnosis by your physiotherapist in Dwarka as soon as possible.

Some of its characteristics are:

  • It can occur at any age
  • It is not usually accompanied by morning stiffness and if it does not exceed 30 minutes
  • Its most common cause is usually trauma

Inflammatory back pain:

About 1 in 20 people with chronic back pain is usually of inflammatory origin. There are various diseases that can cause this inflammation and therefore the appearance of pain, some of them quite complicated to diagnose. It is very important to see a physiotherapist in Janakpuri as soon as this pain persists for a long time.

Some characteristics of inflammatory pain:

  • Appears before the age of 40
  • It has a gradual start
  • Pain improves with physical activity
  • Pain does not improve with rest
  • It usually makes you wake up at night
  • Morning stiffness of more than 30 minutes
  • Continued pain of more than 3 months
  • Alternation of pain in the buttocks

The importance of treating back pain on time

The most important thing to keep in mind to treat back ailments is to see a physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka as soon as possible, since, if it takes a long time to treat, the discomfort usually increases over time and once it is established, it is difficult to reverse.
When acute back pain appears, it is usually first treated with pain relievers and muscle relaxants.

Later, when the muscles have relaxed, physiotherapy treatments are usually applied to lessen the pain and lessen the discomfort. It is also recommended to exercise regularly to avoid the risk of pain onset.


Maintaining your quality of life after a diagnosis of arthritis

When a diagnosis of inflammatory arthritis is received, many people believe that they will have to stop working, play the sports and hobbies they enjoy, or give up their quality of life.

However, in 2019, it is entirely possible for a person with inflammatory arthritis to maintain their activities if they receive adequate care.

What is arthritis?

The word “arthritis” encompasses a group of diseases that affect the joints of the limbs or the spine. In this article, we will discuss the characteristics of inflammatory arthritis in more detail. This is caused by a dysregulation of the immune system which, for reasons still unknown, attacks healthy cells in the joints or surrounding structures, thereby causing inflammation.

There are over 100 different types of inflammatory arthritis. The most common forms are rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis or even juvenile arthritis.

Arthritis is a fairly common condition: one in five Indians will develop it in their lifetime. Inflammatory arthritis diagnoses can occur at any age and can affect almost any joint in the body. If the disease is diagnosed early and the right treatments are in place, loss of function and disability can be avoided.

What are the symptoms of inflammatory arthritis?

Joint pain is a common phenomenon, which does not necessarily indicate the presence of inflammatory arthritis. A person who experiences the following symptoms for more than six weeks, however, would be advised to consult a doctor for a potential diagnosis.

  • Pain in one or more joints, present even at rest or at night (hands, feet, spine, wrists and jaw are the most commonly affected joints)
  • Prolonged morning stiffness (more than an hour)
  • Presence of swelling in the joints, heat and sometimes redness
  • Difficulty performing simple tasks like closing your hand, walking, getting up from a chair, or sitting down
  • Extreme tiredness

Before going to the doctor, it is important to take note of what increases the pain and what helps to relieve it. We can also inquire with family members to find out if some of our loved ones have arthritis, since some forms are hereditary.

Who is more at risk?

Several risk factors associated with inflammatory arthritis cannot be controlled.

For example, for most forms, the risk increases with age. Certain genetic markers, whether hereditary or not, also play a role, as does sex – rheumatoid arthritis is more common in women, while spondylitis is more common in men, for example.

Certain behaviors can also be adopted to try to reduce the severity and progression of arthritis: avoiding smoking and exercising regularly help to put the odds on its side.

What treatments are available?

Even if inflammatory arthritis cannot be cured, adequate management can help the person affected to continue their activities.

Medicines and complementary arthritis treatment in Delhi is effective in controlling the symptoms of this disease and their consequences. In addition, the intervention of an interdisciplinary team that includes a physiotherapist in Dwarka, but also a rheumatologist in Delhi, a nurse, an occupational therapist, a psychologist and a social worker can allow the person affected to be better equipped to understand and manage his illness.

It should be noted that when arthritis is left untreated, inflammation can permanently damage the joints or even reach certain organs. However, this is an increasingly rare phenomenon these days, since current treatments are effective. They fall into two main categories: pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments.

Pharmacological treatments

Depending on the results he obtains after his examination and analysis of the diagnostic tests performed, the doctor may prescribe medication for a patient with arthritis. These can include anti-inflammatory drugs, corticosteroid therapy, remission agents, or any other treatment to relieve pain and prevent joint damage.

Non-pharmacological treatments: the role of the professional in physiotherapy

Several non-pharmacological treatments can also be implemented to facilitate the self-management of the person affected. This is where other specialists come in, such as the physiotherapist in Janakpuri.

According to data from arthritis research teams, physiotherapy interventions are recommended to allow people to better understand their disease, reduce pain, control swelling, improve joint mobility, increase their strength, control and muscular endurance.

These improvements ultimately allow for better accomplishment of daily activities, work, leisure and sports.

The physiotherapy doctor in Dwarka first performs a detailed assessment of the condition of the person affected. Subsequently, he recommends a multimodal approach, that is to say that he combines several types of interventions:

  • Teaching various pain management principles
  • Various manual techniques
  • Application of analgesic modalities (thermotherapy, electrotherapy)
  • Support in resuming physical activity
  • Teaching and correction of personalized exercises
  • Teaching and correcting postures to relieve pain
  • Testing and adjusting walking aids as needed