July 22, 2019

Muscle pain management at home: how physical therapists can help

Pain is a subjective and personal unpleasant experience and lacks a lot of evaluation experts to establish the most effective therapy for the patient. Already the painful sensation of muscle pain is caused by chronic inflammation of the region or acute manifestations resulting from trauma.

Knowing the complexity of this treatment and the possibility of encountering this situation in home environments, physiotherapist doctor in Dwarka must understand the related pathophysiological processes and the most commonly used therapies.

So if you want to know how to manage the pain of muscular origin in homecare regimen, stay here and understand more!

muscle pain management in dwarka

Carefully evaluate the patient’s muscle injury

When facing muscle pain, a patient who is in-home care, you must be careful. This is because the diagnostic methods are just the touch and reporting of the affected regions, which in itself is a limitation.

Then it is important to get the information about the onset of symptoms, intensity, degree of discomfort and is related to domestic falls or other incidents.

Analyze the contributing factors of pain sensation

Muscle pain is a manifestation that simultaneously generates feelings of fear, nervousness, lack of patience and others that must be weighed. However, these emotions also mask other important factors.

Therefore, it is advisable that the physiotherapist check for objects that are worsening the pain sensation in the affected area, if the patient’s diet contains a substance with inflammatory and even if caregivers are performing the exercises correctly in patients.

Thus, in addition to the used furniture and accessories (bed, shower chair, crutches, armrests, etc.) it is necessary to observe the clothes that the patient uses, whether he is staying very much in a position, if the accessories used in locomotion or hygiene they are too worn, among other variables.

Propose interventions gradually

The patient who is with muscle pain feels anxious for the elimination of this discomfort and uneasy about the intervention because he fears the worsening of symptoms.

Thus it is interesting to start with gradual techniques relating to muscle relaxation, elimination or reduction of us in the muscles to further establish deeper therapies.

This ensures a therapeutic relationship based on trust, and more adherence to treatment, enabling reduction or elimination of significant reported soreness initially.

However, it is important to educate the patient about the possibility of becoming chronic pain due to established pathophysiological process and in these situations, the physical therapy exercises lessen this problem, but can not eliminate it completely.

Muscle pain is an unpleasant sensation that affects patients after a joint disease or general trauma. The evaluation of this symptom in the home environment should include the main characteristics of the patient, emotionally involved and techniques used. Also, it is crucial that interventions gradually to avoid medical complications.