Monthly Archives: August 2022


What is Myofascial Therapy?

The myofascial therapy consists of a physiotherapy technique that tries to assess and locate restrictions in the myofascial system, for further treatment.

What is the fascial system?

When myofascial therapy is applied by the physiotherapist in Dwarka, it acts on fascial system, which constitutes a fibrous (collagen-rich) set that coats, and penetrates all the muscles, bones, joints and structures of the human body to unify it. Among the main functions of the fascia are to protect these tissues from possible impacts or injuries, as well as to inform the central nervous system of the position, movement and general condition of the body.

When do these restrictions appear?

A structural change in the fascia can cause myofascial dysfunctions, which significantly interfere with the quality of life of the patient, as it causes discomfort and pain.

The causes of onset these dysfunctions can be diverse. We highlight some:

  • Bad postural habits.
  • Local or global prolonged immobilization (bed, plasters, etc.)
  • Repetitive trauma: overuse or misuse (postural and dynamic hygiene at work, poorly executed exercise, excess exercise, overload after a competition, …)
  • Trauma: bumps, falls, …
  • Problems arising after surgical recovery.
  • Inadequate nutrition, intolerances, toxic intake, …
  • Stress-related emotional causes.

How is myofascial therapy applied?

When the physiotherapist in Janakpuri acts on the restrictions, he tries to stimulate the fascia with different techniques of different intensity. In this way, it is possible to provide information to both the tissue and the central nervous system that results, on the one hand, in trophic changes of tissue characteristics at the local level. On the other hand, the central nervous system will receive different information from the tissue causing the discomfort or pain in the patient.

When is myofascial therapy commonly applied?

  • Central and peripheral nervous system dysfunctions.
  • Dysfunctions of circulatory systems.
  • ATM dysfunctions.
  • Rehabilitation of sports injuries.
  • Post-traumatic and post-surgical rehabilitation.
  • Pelvic floor disorders.
  • Respiratory disorders.

Among the most common benefits of myofascial therapy are:

  • Elimination of painful symptoms.
  • Recovery of the function of the locomotive system.
  • Improved circulation of antibodies.
  • Increased blood supply, accelerating healing and healing processes.
  • Reduction in postural and dynamic disorganization of the body
  • A more coordinated and efficient movement

Hip or Knee Prostheses

From osteoarthritis to a prosthesis

Osteoarthritis is defined as damage and/or wear and tear on a joint that the body cannot repair. This condition leads to the deterioration of the cartilage (the solid elastic material that covers and protects the ends of the bones) and the friction of the bone below it, which will cause pain, stiffness and swelling in the joint. Osteoarthritis can be caused by the normal ageing process or be the result of abnormal stress or injury.

The hips and knees are joints frequently affected by osteoarthritis and it is the main cause that will lead to the replacement of the hip or knee with a prosthesis.

Conservative treatment is considered at an early stage of osteoarthritis. Medication, ice and heat applications can help relieve pain. A consultation with a physiotherapist in Dwarka can be useful in order to maintain good mobility of the joints, reduce muscle tension around and strengthen the surrounding muscles.

When the pain becomes too strong, there is a significant loss of mobility, the function of the person is more and more limited and there has been a failure of conservative treatment, surgery (arthroplasty) becomes the best option.

Definition of arthroplasty

The arthroplasty can be qualified in many ways: total replacement of the hip, total replacement of the knee or more commonly called: prostheses of the hip or the knee.

This surgical procedure, performed by an orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi, consists of replacing the damaged joint with an artificial joint prosthesis. After making an incision at the joint, the surgeon removes damaged bone and cartilage tissue. Then, he reshapes the bone surfaces between which the prosthesis often made of the metal alloy will be inserted. Finally, the orthopedic in Delhi installs the prosthesis intended to replace part or all of the damaged joint and most often fixes it with special instant-hardening cement.

Physiotherapy before and after surgery

Physiotherapy in Dwarka is essential after the operation but is also very relevant before surgery. Recovery from arthroplasty is often faster if the person is in good shape before surgery. The physiotherapist in Janakpuri can, therefore, teach mobility and strengthening exercise program adapted to the pain. He can also teach transfers, positioning, the use of a walking accessory and set realistic goals with the patient before his operation.

Once operated, it is important to respect the restrictions required by the orthopaedic in Delhi who may vary depending on the different approaches used and the condition of the person. Again, a program of mobility exercises, strengthening and transfers will be taught by the best physiotherapist in Dwarka and will evolve over time depending on the recovery of the person. The return to normal function is the objective and the return to sport can be discussed with the attending surgeon according to the evolution.

The speed of recovery varies from one person to another and can be influenced by the initial physical form, the attendance at the exercises taught in physiotherapy and the respect of the advice of the specialists involved.

Do not hesitate to make an appointment with one of our physiotherapists to take charge of your condition linked to osteoarthritis or for your knee or hip prosthesis follow-up.


Physiotherapy in Epicondylitis

There are many pathologies that prevent the development of multiple activities, both sports and daily, due to the pain they cause, but these injuries, as in the case of epicondylitis, are treated with Physiotherapy in Dwarka and tend to evolve very positively. In order to talk about the physiotherapy of epicondylitis, it is important to define what this lesion is, therefore, before mentioning the treatments for this pathology, it is worth exploring what epicondylitis is and, later, what Physiotherapy can provide.

Physiotherapy and epicondylitis, what is epicondylitis?

Epicondylitis is also known as tennis elbow; it is an injury or inflammation of the epicondylar tendons that occurs on the outside of the elbow specifically on the outside of the elbow and one of its main symptoms and for which mainly the patients is localized pain in this area.

This pain is usually manifested when performing movements that mainly involve the extensors of the hand, the cause is usually an impact on the area or previous repetitive movements that compromise this area of ​​the arm, or also by forced extension and rotation wrist or when the arm is subjected to supination repeatedly or with heavy loads, that is, supination is a rotational movement that is done with the arm and involves the elbow. These movements can generate small fibrillar micro tears, although they will mainly affect the tendon.

Symptoms of epicondylitis

  • Pain on the outside of the elbow
  • Inability to perform some movements such as wrist extension
  • Pressure pain in the injury area
  • Pain when lifting the arm, or lifting a simple item such as a glass or bottle

Epicondylitis treatment through physical therapy

Although there are several types of treatments such as doctors or pharmacists, there are other types of treatments that are less invasive and provide a long-term solution that constitute the treatment of physical therapy in epicondylitis.

Keep in mind that this type of injury must be managed by experts in the field, in this case a Physiotherapist in Dwarka who will assess what your elbow needs and, in some cases, will extend the treatment to the entire area of ​​the arm and forearm to relax. the entire territory and obtain a faster and more efficient improvement.

This type of treatment consists of reducing inflammation and pain in the elbow through the application of various Physiotherapy techniques. When the pain decreases, exercises will be performed to strengthen this part of the body to avoid repetitions of the injury in the future. The epicondylitis physiotherapy in Janakpuri uses various means to improve the development and resolution of inflammation and pain. Here is one of the treatments:

  • Anti-inflammatories: It is a medical treatment, but it should be taken into account (and that is why we include it here) because some patients leave the medical treatment when they start physical therapy, it is necessary to emphasize that they are complementary treatment and that they will have more effect acting at the same time as separately. In some extreme cases, the doctor may perform an infiltration, but it would be preferable before this to have exhausted the possibilities offered by physical therapy.
  • Capacitive and resistive diathermy. It is the most powerful technique, applying capacitive Diathermy on the muscles that pull the tendon will achieve a relaxation effect that will improve the expectations of a good evolution and using Resistive Diathermy on the tendon will directly achieve a powerful anti-inflammatory and calming effect.
  • Cryotherapy: this is another treatment that consists of applying cold in various ways: cold compresses, ice, etc. Cold physiotherapy always seeks to reduce inflammation and pain on the affected muscles and on the tendon. It should be borne in mind that this procedure is mainly used at times when the pain becomes acute.
  • Ultrasound: Ultrasound treatment is one of the most effective treatments for epicondylitis, it will improve mobility and pain.
  • TENS: this device uses electrodes for its operation that allows pain to work. By means of a special type of current it can achieve very powerful pain-relieving effects and at low frequencies it also manages to improve local circulation and therefore decrease inflammation.
  • Exercises: Once our patient has recovered, we must teach him the exercises that allow an increase in resistance and strength in the affected musculature, without forgetting the exercises of flexibility, all these Physiotherapy treatments in Dwarka will achieve a progressive improvement and will avoid possible relapses.